How to Write Bibliography for Project

A bibliography is a map to the next thing you’d read. Also known as a catalogue or a record, a bibliography is a collection of all the material - especially books - you used to develop ideas. However, the definition states that a bibliography is fundamentally the study of books, articles or research papers. It includes all the works cited or not uncited.

You especially find this section at the end of almost every book. Every book, fictional or non-fictional, uses the section to describe the idea behind every scene or chapter. For example, if you ever buy a special edition of a book, you will find such notes at the end. It includes all the references.

Trivia: Swiss writer Conrad Gesner (in 1545) is the bibliography inventor. Its roots in the Bibliotheca Universalis - a book that compiles all the books printed in the first century.

Also, a director’s cut of a movie is sort of a visual bibliography. The “uncited” references are a part of the bibliography but not the reference. A thought or a small idea that you can’t cite to a specific source but want the reader to know the origin is added here. Hence, it differs from a reference list. Let’s learn how you can curate one yourself.


What Is the Bibliography of a Project?

Furthermore, reference and bibliography are used interchangeably. Yet there’s a stark contrast. References contain primary resources, the resources that are acquired in a tangible format. Books and research papers are some examples. But, a bibliography contains both primary and secondary resources.

Primary as stated and secondary resources are the ideas of the writer. The idea can be based on a quote or a reading. However, as long as the author is not using many elements from the sources and just a vague idea, you may include it in a bibliography but not a reference list. Also, here’s why curating a bibliography is important:

  • By creating a bibliography for the project, you are informing your professor that you researched and included only authentic resources. You inform them about your approach to the project.
  • When you use research, you must credit the researcher. The bibliography included the references in APA or MLA style - the most commonly used referencing formats.
  • Lastly, by citing your sources, you draw a map for the reader to follow to the original book or academic material.

Did you know that the word bibliography has a Greek origin? It derives from “biblion”, which means book, and “graphia” translates to writing.

Thus, a bibliography is a reference list but more. You talk about the ideas and origin of the ideas rather than just offering the author's name. Moreover, a book list is also called a bibliography. You can use an annotated bibliography or an enumerative one. Since we are currently focusing on a project bibliography, an enumeration of resources is more appropriate.

Well, this seems easy but not as much when you have to curate a bibliography for twenty thousand words long dissertations. For such issues, you can get bibliography help for your assignments. Just fill out the form and get started today. We have a turnover time of twenty-four hours, so better get started today.

What Does a Good Bibliography for a Project Looks Like?

In addition, we will now discuss what exactly you must include in your bibliography. The most important thing is the author’s name and book title. But, adding the publication date is important to inform the reader of how recent the data in the book is, and it also entails the reader’s interest. Understandably, not everyone might be interested in reading a book written in the 80s. But, you must include the publication date, and your bibliography must be in this order:

For a book reference

  • Author’s name
  • Book/article title
  • Publication date
  • Exact page number of the reference
  • Name of the publishing house
  • Volume number/edition of the encyclopaedia, magazine, or the book

For referencing the web resource

  • Author and editor’s name
  • Webpage title
  • Source company/website name
  • URL of the reference
  • Date of last visiting the website

Tip: There are several automated online bibliography generators. Some of the most reliable ones are Mendeley Cite, EndNote, and Zotero.

So, this is how you will enumerate the bibliographic information for your project. It might take you a few minutes to curate this or longer if you haven’t bookmarked your resources. Hence, it is very important to bookmark. You may also note down the same on a rough draft. Regardless of the enumerative or narrative format of the bibliography, it is necessary to heed the referencing guidelines of your university.


How Do You Write a Bibliography in MLA and APA Styles?

Next, have you got a grip on the catalogue that you must present at your paper’s end? Now, as we discussed above, reference and bibliography are interchangeable. So, you must know how to write a bibliography in APA or MLA format. Just follow these pointers:

MLA referencing

  • Author’s full name - Last name + the first name
  • Book/article title
  • Location of publication - country or university name
  • Publishing house’s name
  • Date of publication

APA referencing

  • Author’s last name (only)
  • Initial of the author’s first name
  • Date of publication (within brackets)
  • Book title
  • Place of publication - country or university name
  • Name of the publishing house

“The ABC of Book Collectors” by John Carter and “The Book of Lost Books” by Stuart Kelly are a few of the top book collection books. They literally contain bibliographies or a long list of books. A book about books, interesting. Isn’t it?

You see how referencing and curating a bibliography for a project go hand in hand. If you expected that you’d escape the trials and tribulations of referencing, well, here you are, learning how to do it like a pro. Just remember, you must never alter the rules of referencing. These rules are standard to the language and cannot be changed. Keep practising, and you’ll get the hang of it.

In Conclusion, Curate Your Bibliography Quickly like:

Finally, you must understand the difference between referencing and a bibliography. How to reference in a bibliography. The different styles of referencing that are used in universities are most important. So, you can now move on to curating a bibliography for your project. But, if I tell you, you can do it easily in MS docs.

Yes, with the cloud services in Microsoft, you can create a reference list in docs. Find the “references” tab at the top of your window. There you can set the referencing style to say APA or MLA. Next, add the citations as in the list above - author’s name, book title and so on. So, when you press the enter key after adding all the references. It will automatically generate the reference/bibliography list for your project.

Well, it does take some time, but you wouldn’t have to worry about the formatting or accidentally altering the referencing rules. English may seem straightforward, but the technical elements are the hidden thrills. It is not a format you aren’t getting rid of any time soon, or at least as long as you are developing your projects.

If referencing isn’t your forte, it’s understandable. The technical aspects scare many. But, you can get Annotated Bibliography Assignment Help from our experienced academic experts. With a decade of experience, our experts are the best in class to help you research and develop a paper. Just fill out the form and access sample reports and assessment answers for guidance.

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